Microsoft edge beta chromium download android
Microsoft edge beta chromium download android

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Microsoft still isn't providing a target date as to when Chredge will be generally available, but it's unlikely to happen until either very late this year or sometime in 2020. Microsoft says there have been more than one million downloads of its Chredge preview builds downloaded on all supported platforms since the company began making test builds available in April this year. The beta version released today will be updated roughly once every six weeks. The Beta channel is the third and final "preview" channel for Chromium-based Edge, also known unofficially by some of us Microsoft watchers as "Chredge." Microsoft already made available the Canary (updated daily) and Dev (updated weekly) channel builds of its new Edge browser. The Beta channel is open to anyone running Windows 10, 7, 8/8.1 and/or macOS and the beta version is immediately available for download from the Edge Insider site.

microsoft edge beta chromium download android

Microsoft is making the official beta of its Chromium-based Edge browser available today, August 20. How to run a Windows app on Linux with Wine

Microsoft edge beta chromium download android