Once the Data Analysis Toolpak is installed, you can create a frequency table.įollowing the steps below to create a frequency table and histogram. Cases will continue to be assigned to the appropriate illness onset date, and vaccinations to their appropriate administration date.\) This will include new and cumulative cases, hospitalizations, ICU admissions, vaccinations, deaths and reports from partner agencies (Developmental Disabilities, Veteran’s Homes, Youth Services, Mental Health and Addiction Services and Rehabilitation and Corrections). Moving forward, metrics will be updated on Thursdays. To exit full screen mode press the 'Esc' key.Īs of Monday, March 14, the Ohio Department of Health has transitioned to reporting COVID-19 metrics from a daily to weekly cadence. Note: A full screen option for this dashboard can be found on the lower right corner.
Report on the prevalence of current and past COVID-19 in Ohio adults. Download the summary data (CSV) including mortality data by county of death. Download the summary data (CSV) including mortality data by county of residence. Archived Statewide and County Case Rates per 100,000 Residents. Download Statewide and County Case Rates. Data for cases and hospitalizations is reported to ODH via the Ohio Disease Reporting System (ODRS), and verified mortality data is reported via the Electronic Death Registration System (EDRS). The State of Ohio COVID-19 Dashboard displays the most recent preliminary data reported to the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) about cases, hospitalizations and deaths in Ohio by selected demographics and county of residence. Data Transparency and Patient Privacy - Protecting Against COVID-19. ODH is making COVID-19 data available for public review while also protecting patient privacy.