Cool calculator icon
Cool calculator icon

  • Have it open by itself using various Shortcuts automation scenarios.
  • Open it from a custom shortcut via a Home Screen or Today View widget, the Shortcuts app, Siri or Hey Siri, Search, an AssistiveTouch action, or double- or triple-tap the back of your iPhone.
  • Tap its icon on your Lock Screen using a third-party Lock Screen widget maker.
  • Double- or triple-tap the back of your iPhone.
  • Say "Open Calculator" when Voice Control is on.
  • Say or type "Calculator" to Siri or Hey Siri.
  • Here are just some of the ways you could do it: OK, so this is pretty obvious.or is it? Yes, you can tap the Calculator app icon on the Home Screen, but there are other ways to open Calculator. Tip 1: Open the Calculator in Various Ways
  • Don't Miss: Your iPad Has a Hidden Built-in Calculator You're Not Using - Here's How to Unlock It.
  • cool calculator icon cool calculator icon

    For the most part, I've sorted it from the easiest, most intuitive actions to the more advanced ones, so skip ahead if you need to. This roundup is for everyone, from a total smartphone newbie to somebody who's owned iPhones since iPhones were a thing, and even professional mathematicians. What a "hidden trick" is to some people might be obvious to others, so feel free to skip right by the ones you already know in the below list. You may know most of them, but there's a chance you don't or at least forget about some of them. The Calculator app is probably one of Apple's most-used iPhone apps, yet I always meet people who don't know all the little tricks there are to using it more efficiently.

    Cool calculator icon